Onda Bubbles



Onda Bubbles was established in Kyoto during the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 by CH.0, the label founder and DJ based in Kyoto. Influenced by the independent labels on the west coast of the US and started to express its wide range of musical itinerancy and love of beat music.
2021年コロナ真っ只中に京都で誕生したレーベル Onda Bubbles。レーベル・ファウンダーは京都を拠点とするDJの CH.0。米・西海岸のStones ThrowやBrainfeeder、Leaving Recordsといったインディペンデント・レーベルの影響を多分に受けながら、幅広い自身の音楽遍歴と、とりわけビート・ミュージックへの愛を表現するため発足に至った。

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Co-founder / CH.0

DJ. Born in 1993, based in Kyoto. CH.0 was influenced by the Hip-hop CD collector, which is his older brother, and he owned his first turntable at 16. Since then, CH.0 started his career as a DJ after forming the Hip-hop crew "DRIP". In 2016, after DJing the tour with C.O.S.A. and KID FRESINO, CH.0 organized a DJ party "Off-Cent" with KID FRESINO and Nihon-Yokocho, which made him travel from place to place. Recently, CH.0 has been expressing his style by widely spreading his career to other fields, such as producing for rapper "andy toy store" and starting an independent label, "Onda Bubbles" presided over by himself.
1993年京都生まれ、京都在住のDJ。ヒップホップのCDコレクターであった兄の影響を受け、16歳のときターンテーブルを手にする。以降、ヒップホップクルーを結成後、DJとしてのキャリアをスタート。2016年、C.O.S.A. × KID FRESINOのツアーDJを務めた後、KID FRESINOや日本横町と共にDJパーティー をオーガナイズし、各地を転戦。最近の仕事では、ラッパー anddy toy storeの楽曲プロデュースを手掛けた他、自身が主宰するインディペンデント・レコードレーベルを始動させるなど、他分野にまたがって自らのスタイルを表現している。

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